Retirement is great and now that COVID is on the wane we can actually take advantage of it. We recently had a short cold snap and believe it or not we had no doctors appointments for Sonya, her parents or myself. We took the opportunity to do an overnighter up the road up to Warner Robbins, GA and Robbins Air Force base to the Museum of Aviation that is located there.
Warner Robbins is located 3 hours north of us, approximately 150 miles from the house. So we packed up the Fuse on Tuesday night and left on Wednesday morning after I got back from an 8am doctors appointment. OK, our schedules weren't perfectly clear but close enough. It was a beautiful day and we had a really nice drive up US-319 to Tifton and then we jumped on I-75 up to Warner-Robbins. It was a leisurely ride and time went by super fast.
The museum is great. It is located just outside the Air Force Base so you do not have to pass through any sort of security and there is a huge amount of parking. Not really any shade to park under but you could put several hundred class A motorhomes in their parking lot. Another great thing about this museum is that admission is free. This museum is owned by the Air Force and is the second largest Air Force Museum behind the Air Force Museum in Dayton. Donations are appreciated and there are several ways to provide support if you want.
I am just going to leave a number of the photos from inside and outside. There are well over 150 aircraft on display both inside and outside. You could spend most of the day here looking at the aircraft and reading the information on the displays. One of the most interesting things is that you can watch as aircraft are being restored in one of the hangers. While we were there 4 different aircraft were being brought back to be put on display.

After we toured the museum we went back to the interstate to head for our stop for the night. We could have driven back to Tallahassee but what is the fun in that. But there was one thing we had to stop at on the way. There is a Buck-ee's in Warner-Robbins and even better, it is at the exit you use on the Interstate to go toad from the Museum. We got some fuel there, not because we really needed it, filling up only took 5 gallons but because the sun is still super hot in the south and we wanted to park the Fuse under the shade of the over hang while we went in. I felt guilty not getting fuel if I was blocking a pump. No complaints Buck-ee's has hundreds of pumps, most were not being used so I was not causing a backup.
While at Buck-ees we got our food for dinner, a BBQ brisket sandwich and a BBQ Turkey sandwich. Though not the best BBQ I have ever eaten, it is good enough to stop if going by to pick up some up for lunch or dinner and it is sold at a fair price.
After picking up our dinner we went 15 min down the road to our stop for the night at Twin Oaks RV Park in Elko, GA.
The milage for this trip is not complete since I did not fill up when I got home but we did pretty good. We averaged somewhere around 18mpg for this excursion. Chalk this up to the slower speeds (60mph) for half or more of this trip up and down US-319 and the really nice conditions on the Georgia roads.